Respecting the Rules & Sharing the Road – Awesomely Polite Japanese Hooligans(!) Show How to Celebrate While Being Responsible Citizens of the Society

December 21, 2011 at 8:13 pm

(Source: Reddit via YouTube)

Gotta love the Japanese Hooligans fans for their incredible politeness. Amazing how well behaved and orderly they are even celebrating their national’ team’s success on a global stage. Hmmm.. if only the Canadians, Americans and British behaved like this!!!

Seen below is an old video clip from June 201o that surfaced again on Reddit.  Shot in Tokyo during the early morning hours (video owner says 6AM)  on June 24, the Japanese soccer fans went crazy after their national team won a soccer game against Denmark during the 2010 World Cup.  They poured into the streets,  jumping around with unbridled excitement in the middle of a street.  But wait! Why are they retreat to the sidewalk from the middle of the street every few minutes? Every time the traffic light turned green for cars, they politely went back to the sidewalk, but once the traffic light turned red, they made a run for the middle of the road crossing.  I’m yet to see such a euphoric celebration by the Japanese folk in person.  Would be a sight to behold!

Note: I spotted a fan holding a beer bottle in this video.  Drinking at 6AM? Damn, son! What the heck.. It is after all a Friday and your national team has earned a glorious win in a World Cup soccer game.  Celebrate the heck out! Oh, anyone notice how friendly the traffic policemen were interacting with the fans. That would be unimaginable sight in the continental United States.