Star Trek? Awe Struck!!! Star Wars Fan Dressed Up As Storm Trooper Walks 5000 Kilometers Across Australia to Raise Funds for Charity

April 13, 2012 at 4:43 pm

Jacob French is not your average Star Wars fan.  He dressed up as a storm trooper and walked across Australia from Perth to Sydney.  He apparently lost 12 kilos in weight and wore out 7 pairs of shoes before completing his nine month journey pushing a little cart. Why was he walking 10hrs a day wearing a stromtrooper costume for 9 months in that stifling heat across flies-infested lands.  Is he nuts? No, he did it to raise awareness for the Star Light Foundation. He raised $100,000, $50K more than he set out to raise. This is an awesome video showing him walking in full gear matched to a beautiful John Williams score.

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