Infographic: The Truth About Idling A Vehicle – 3.8 Million Gallons of Fuel Wasted by Idling in the U.S. EVERY DAY!

March 6, 2014 at 5:03 pm

Sustainable America via Upworthy

Oh, boy.  What looks like a seemingly insignificant activity – vehicle idling – has a major impact on our economy and on our planet’s well being.  Check out this informative infograph from Sustainable America that shows the gargantuan impacts of vehicle idling in the USA, both  economic and environmental.  If the US alone is wasting so much fuel and adding to the carbon footprint, I can’t even begin to fathom what’s happening if this issue is scaled up at a global level. Adoption of EVs can quickly put an end to this issue and should be considered as part of energy efficiency/conservation programs world wide. Take the pledge to stop idling

Image: Sustainable America via

Image: Sustainable America via