America’s Worst Intersections

March 2, 2009 at 4:58 pm

(Source: Forbes)

Although still bad in these spots, traffic congestion in the U.S. has lessened as the economy has slowed.

The Cross Bronx Expressway, that fume-choked expanse of concrete and steel that slices through New York City’s mainland borough, occupies a uniquely tragic place in the history of urban planning.

It displaced more than 60,000 middle-class residents during its construction between 1948 and 1963, and it cost $250 million–more than any highway project before it. The apartment buildings that line its growling trench have been home to generations of asthmatic children who struggle to breathe in the acrid clouds of exhaust that fill the air. Its presence has so thoroughly eviscerated its surroundings that many blocks adjacent to it are occupied entirely by families living below the poverty level.

Worst Intersections of the United States

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