Job Alert: Policy Lead, Transportation – Secure America’s Future Energy (SAFE) @ Washington, DC

August 25, 2014 at 6:48 pm


SAFE is looking to hire someone to lead their transportation initiatives. This position will cover all of their work on advanced transportation technologies and alternative fuels, automotive efficiency, and emerging innovations like autonomous vehicles. The job consists of research and analysis on industry trends, public policy development, some outreach, and support of their deployment community projects in Orlando and Northern Colorado. The job description is here: SAFE – Policy Lead Transportation.

SAFE is looking for a proactive person with strong writing and analytical skills. They are thinking young and hungry, but are open to all types. It really is a critical hire for the organization.

A blonde in heels walks into a library… and makes the best pitch for a fuel cell car.

December 9, 2012 at 10:09 pm

Yep…  One of the best ads in automotive business, EVER. This one comes from Germany’s Clean Energy Partnership, a network of companies pulling together to introduce hydrogen as a fuel. To find out more about us, visit the CEP website. Or check their facebook page for discussions, exciting news and information about CEP’s efforts.

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