You thought texting while driving is bad? Think again. German police catch a driver running a mobile office in his car.

November 21, 2012 at 2:30 pm

You thought texting while driving was bad? How about running a suite of machines like an office while on the move?  Here is one such case where it blows everything we preach about driver distraction.  Police stopped this above Ford Modeo in Saarland, Germany, for speeding and when they peeped in this is what they saw in the passenger seat – a laptop with docking station, a router and wi-fi antenna tied to a cellular data stick, a printer and a power inverter to keep it all humming.  For what it is worth, the German police  did not issue any citations for the Mondeo driver for any violations . Maybe because he had  his cellphone mounted to the windshield for hands-free use.  yes. That’s right.  He  at least had the sense to leave his cellphone mounted on the dashboard.  (via Motoramic – Yahoo! Autos)

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Caught at 100 mph — now what?

March 8, 2009 at 12:12 pm
  (Source: AOL Autos via CNN) 

 Basketball phenom LeBron James has one. As does actor Matt Dillon. So, famously, does politician Al Gore’s son.

A triple digit speeding ticket results in different punishments in different states.

You may think it’s a Bentley, Benz or even a Prius, or the latest celebrity accoutrement, but we’re not talking about that. All of these famous individuals have a speeding ticket citation for allegedly driving above 100 mph.

As the three drivers were cited in three different states, they all face varying combinations of penalty fines, courts fees and possible license suspensions. But even if a prospective fine won’t hit LeBron’s oversized pocketbook too hard, it often adds up to a pretty penny for the average motorist once an insurance adjustment — or policy cancellation — is taken into account.

What does it mean to get caught going triple digits? We take a look.

When you hear about it

Maybe you were driving too fast on a straight section of freeway and heard that ominous siren that means a hefty speeding fine is on the way. Maybe you were opening your mail over a cup of morning coffee and noticed a letter with a funny-looking city insignia on it.

Or maybe you were sitting watching TV when you noticed a police car pulling up outside then heard a knock on the door. However the police got to you — and it varies by the state you live in – you’ve now been cited for driving above 100 mph.

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