A day of air travel over North America, and what it means for rail

March 5, 2009 at 1:14 pm

(Source: Wired Magazine, Transportation for America, Streetsblog)

From Wired Magazine via Aaron of Streetsblog comes this amazing map and video that shows a day of air travel over North America. Using data from the Federal Aviation Administration and a service called FlightView that tracks airline travel each day, artist Aaron Koblin created this Google map that shows 24 hours of airline travel on August 12, 2008.

Aaron Koblin Airline Travel

There’s also a breathtaking movie version of this same map, that shows the flights in real time through the course of the day.

The sheer number of airplanes traveling over the United States is simply mind boggling. On this day chronicled in the map, the FAA tracked 205,000 flights in U.S. airspace. Anyone who has ever traveled by plane knows that we have plenty of air above our country, but the problem is the fact that too many of them need to be in specific pieces of air at the same time. Or traveling through the same crowded airports.

Click here to read the entire article.

Stimulus Dollars In Motion: Maryland Orders 100 Hybrid Buses

March 4, 2009 at 6:28 pm

(Source: TreeHugger)

xcelsior hybrid bus maryland photo

Xcelsior Hybrid Bus. Image credit:New American Flyer, Inc.

Taking advantage of the Federal stimulus package, Maryland’s Governor O’Malleyannounced the State’s intention to purchase hybrid 100 hybrid diesel/electric buses for $62 million.  

Click here to read more.

Will Stimulus be Enough to Bring High-Speed Rail to America? – A TreeHugger interview ith Andy Kunz

March 1, 2009 at 9:28 pm

(Source: TreeHugger)

shanghai station
Rail station in Shanghai, China (photo via thetransportpolitic.com)

About a year ago, TreeHugger interviewed Andy Kunz, an urban designer, New Urbanist and rail advocate. Kunz laid out a pretty convincing case for high speed rail as the solution for a number of problems facing American transportation, including outdated infrastructure, peak oil (or “energy independence,” depending how you look at it), out of control carbon emissions, and more.

In fact, Kunz said, we were at a fork in the road, and building a new national high-speed rail network was the “single most important action we can do to get us off the oil and change the direction of the nation for the better.” TreeHugger decided to catch up with Andy Kunz for another conversation about rail and high-speed rail in America, now that it seems the idea is finally catching on.

TreeHugger: Andy, a lot has happened since we last spoke about a year ago. The concept of high-speed rail in America, which a year ago was on very few people’s agendas, has now become an almost mainstream idea. Transit ridership is way up all over, and a high-speed rail line has been approved in California. As an advocate for high-speed rail, how have you experienced the events of the past year?

Andy Kunz: With great excitement! It’s really amazing what has changed and how quickly! It’s truly an unbelievable time in the history of America – unfolding as we speak. I am of course very saddened to see the suffering this recession is causing, and it’s unfortunate that we have to go through such a big disaster to change our ways. It would be so much easier and less painful if we just planned these changes during normal times.

Nonetheless, the fact that so many people are discovering rail as a great form of transportation is spectacular! We are entering a new green era that includes green living, green energy, and green transportation. Out of this I see a huge opportunity to fundamentally change America for the better with high quality rail transportation and great walkable communities for everyone.

Click here to read the rest of this interesting interview.

Promoting Public Transit: I Heart This Subway Map!

February 25, 2009 at 2:05 pm

(Source: TreeHugger)

zeroperzero new york image

Image: New York Subway Map by Zero Per Zero

We like talking about promoting public transit here on Treehugger and at Planet Green, noting that cities and countries that get it right can create a very positive image that in turn steers more people towards leaving their car at home. So, I was happy to see Zero Per Zero, a Seoul-based design team, re-thinking railmaps and subway maps. Using bright colours and a big dose of humour, Kim Ji-Kwan and Jin Sol from Hongik University are now in Tokyo to display their work.

The maps come in a small folder with stickers for marking favorite spots, restaurants, appointments, hotel locations, and major attractions. When traveling, the folder can also be used to jot down notes and to hold transit passes, tickets, and more. Made of paper.

Click here to read the entire article, which has a couple of more cool pictures.

Argentine Government Wants to Boost Bicycle Market

February 25, 2009 at 1:55 pm

(Source: TreeHugger)

Photo: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, president of Argentina, holds a bike while presenting a plan to boost sales of these vehicles. Credit: Argentine presidency press service.

The Argentine government launched yesterday a plan to boost bicycles sales that expects to sell 200 thousand bikes.

Aimed at people with low resources, it will allow them to get a bike for a monthly payment of just 16 pesos, which is about 5 US dollars. In exchange, they will have to turn their old bikes in as part of payment.

Click here to read the full article.