How do you explain this to your boss..??

March 7, 2009 at 2:00 am

(Source: Courant via Jalopnik)


We have to hand it to Freddie Mitchell of Hartford, Connecticut for inadvertently discovered a new way to wheelie dump trucks: by leaving their beds raised then ramming overhead signs at highway speeds.

Mitchell, 62-years young, pulled out of a roadside construction site along I-84 with is bed fully raised in “dump” mode. Accelerating hard for 3/4 of a mile, he made contact with the sign for Exit 63 at highway speed. The impact lifted the truck’s cab 20-feet into the air for a truly epic wheelie, but because the sign failed to give way, Mitchell was then stuck in an extremely precarious position.

Click here to read more. 
(Transport Gooru thanks our good friend Bernie Wagenblast for the title of this article)