Put in Perspective: Amount of Space Required to Transport People by Car, Bus, or Bicycle

March 12, 2009 at 5:04 pm

This image below has been going around the internet for quite a while and is quite popular in teh urban planning circles.  Treehugger had a post today and I captured it for you all.  Here is that striking picture from Muenster, Germany.   I am sure you will think twice before you start the car tomorrow..


(Source: TreeHugger)

amount of space required cars bus bicycles poster image

Image: Press-Office City of Müenster, Germany

And That’s Just Space…
They say an image is worth a thousand words. In this case, it really is. You can write about urban planning and air pollution and traffic congestion, but the three photos above show you at a glance the difference between these three means of transportation. And space isn’t everything: Cars also cost more money, pollute more, increase risks of obesity and all kinds of diseases, etc.

Click here to read more.