Too lazy to press a button at the crosswalk? Say hello to Crosswalk 2.0!!!

March 20, 2009 at 5:51 pm

(Source: Tree Hugger & Streetfilms)

You Don’t Even Have to Press a Button…
You’d think that cosswalk technology would be pretty static. How can you improve a crosswalk? Sure you can put blinking lights and signs on each side of the road, but there’s so much visual pollution in cities that these wouldn’t change much. Well, there’s a way! This crosswalk in Seattle takes crosswalks to the next level. Crosswalk 2.0, if you want. Check out the video above by our friends at Streetfilms.  

How does it work:  The folks at Streetflilms explained it in their post:   “As you enter the crosswalk make sure you touch the yellow rectangle on the sidewalk. This activates the lights that line the crosswalk. Drivers stop and it should be safe to begin your adventure: you’ll feel a bit like an airplane coming in for a landing. Frankly, it’s very empowering and a lot of fun! ”  Here is the video of the crosswalk, courtesy of our friends @ Streetfilms.