A road warrior, from Pakistan! Inspection certficate not needed!

April 20, 2009 at 6:29 pm

Pakistani men pray next to a bullet-ridden vehicle parked in the compound of radical Lal Masjid or Red mosque in Islamabad.

Though it has no direct significance to transportation, this image was too impressive to pass.   Captured from Time’s Today’s Best Pictures (Friday 17 April, 2009 edition), it paints a grim picture of the dangers of living in today’s Pakistan.  It also serves as a warning sign for the dangers that lurk in one of the world most dangerous places – Pakistan.   The question that naturally arises here is – what is the criteria for clearing a vehicle safety inspection in this country where AK-47s are much more feared than the law or those who guard them.  TransportGooru assumes that this vehicle was pockmarked by bullets that flew around during the Pakistan Government’s  crackdown on militants in the Lal Masjid (Operation Sunrise) during July 2007.  A standing testimony for the carnage that happened inside the mosque’s premises that resulted in 154 deaths, and capture of 50 militants.  

Here is an article from BBC with the same vehicle (with captured nearly a few moments before/after the previous one was taken).

(Image Source: Time.com)