Tree Hugger picks five fashions for the urban biking fashionistas

August 10, 2009 at 1:06 pm

(Source: Tree Hugger)

They did it again!  Our fine folk @ Tree Hugger have once again published something that is worth for the bike-riding masses in our urban jungles (in Europe).  This time around, the publication is focused on some fashionable threads for the urban cyclist with a sense of fashion.  A few of the items listed  below are available locally for folks here in the US of A.  Now off to a quick extract from the Tree Hugger article.


The whole point with urban cycling is to make it work with whatever your lifestyle and your sense of fashion (or your work clothes requirements) are. If you want to wear Lycra and/or have a long commute that necessitates but padding, then there’s the option of hauling fresh clothes (or at the very least a shirt). But if you want to wear street/work clothes, what have designers been doing to link together bike-friendly with street fashionable? Here is what the Tree Hugger found.  Add your favorite ‘cycle couture’ designers in the comments (i.e., here or on the Tree Hugger site):

DO YOU Velo Jackets photo

Rapha Shorts photo

London Transport Top photo

Swrve Jeans and Knickers photo

Outlier 4Season Pants photo

Click here to read the entire article, with detailed descritpion/comments for each one of the items above. (Images courtesy of Tree Hugger)