A glimpse at the parking lots of Walmart. Caution: You will die (laughing)

October 11, 2009 at 4:30 pm

(Source: PeopleofWalmart.com)

The picture(s) below gives you a glimpse of what you can expect to see in the parking lot of a neighborhood Walmart..


Image Courtesy: People of Walmart

Seriously, who drives around the town in something that looks like this..?? The answer is: Someone who shops at Walmart.. Yet another gem of a capture from the parking lot of a Walmart store in Indiana..


Image Courtesy: Peopleofwalmart.com

Looks like some customers of Walmart do prefer to hire this vehicle for that very special day..Please tune your vision to see the object on the trunk of this super-sophisticated limo..


Image Courtesy: PeopleofWalmart.com

Peopleofwalmart.com has become one my “must visit everyday” websites.  Trust me, you will be a regular visitor the moment you get to see the home page..Very special people!